Over to Google...
And a quick search reveals that he was acquitted after a trial lasting three weeks.
He was charged with tax evasion in 1989 and during the subsequent trial a number of revelations came to light, most notably that he had several hundred thousand pounds stashed in suitcases in his attic
I'm not sure who his accountant was, but he clearly wasn't getting very good tax advice.
Great Comedy Material
Although it is less popular now in the light of scandals involving banker's bonuses and off shore tax scams, Ken turned the experience into a set part of his comedy routine, often opening with the line, "Good evening, my name is Kenneth Arthur Dodd; singer, photographic playboy and failed accountant!".
Born in 1927 and still touring, he is a testament to a bygone age of family entertainment and humour for its own sake, but hopefully now with slightly better tax affairs.
Ticklingly Good Tax Advice
So, if you're looking for good tax advice and you live in the Lancashire or Cumbria area, why not give Fiona Wills a call?
And if you happen to have several hundred thousand pounds in cash lying around in your loft, perhaps you also ought to consider a financial adviser.